Monday, April 30, 2012
#Castle love it "is there a code for zombie?"
#Castle love it "is there a code for zombie?"
Remember running in the forest, chasing each other and making forts as a kid. Dont see kids doing zombie survival traini
Remember running in the forest, chasing each other and making forts as a kid.Dont see kids doing zombie survival traini
Custom Zombie Bride or Day of the Dead Bride by AtomicStitches via @Etsy
Custom Zombie Bride or Day of the Dead Bride by AtomicStitches via @Etsy
cuando sea el apocalipsis zombie yo quiero una .50 Desert Eagle O_O
cuando sea el apocalipsis zombie yo quiero una .50 Desert Eagle O_O
Dead Island: Ryder White DLC Out Now on all Formats
This DLC offers a unique new perspective into the incidents in the main story of Dead Island.
@Bia_zombie uhum eu amo frio! *-* omg claro claro eu ia amar ir na galeria do rock cm vc :3 hahaha c é d sp, neh?
@Bia_zombie uhum eu amo frio!*-* omg claro claro eu ia amar ir na galeria do rock cm vc :3 hahaha c é d sp, neh?
Last day to Win a shirt of the Zombie Laboratories. Just head to our FB page and tell us why you should win
Last day to Win a shirt of the Zombie Laboratories.Just head to our FB page and tell us why you should win
Mi mayor desvelada fue un viernes, me quede despierta hasta las 2 de la mañana del Parecia zombie jajaja
Mi mayor desvelada fue un viernes, me quede despierta hasta las 2 de la mañana del Parecia zombie jajaja
Vago per casa come uno zombie!! Bella pimpante e attiva mi dicono
Vago per casa come uno zombie!! Bella pimpante e attiva mi dicono
Sunday, April 29, 2012
I honestly wanted to go to bed at 8 lol I feel like a zombie
I honestly wanted to go to bed at 8 lol I feel like a zombie
@urbanboymx preciosoooo! El Apocalipsis zombie ha sucedido.
@urbanboymx preciosoooo! El Apocalipsis zombie ha sucedido.
@GoldGrill_Fatzz sitting like a zombie down at Kayla appt
@GoldGrill_Fatzz sitting like a zombie down at Kayla appt
@es_un_zombie jaja ya se ademas ni ando en condiciones de salir! Jaja
@es_un_zombie jaja ya se ademas ni ando en condiciones de salir!Jaja
@periquitaale saludos desde la tierra de los sueños, ando en zombie mood jajaja!!! Andas trabajando???
@periquitaale saludos desde la tierra de los sueños, ando en zombie mood jajaja!!!Andas trabajando???
gagmau gag mau as forever yank RT @zombie_negative: pake 3 ky punyaku aj yank, jadine hehe RT (cont)
gagmau gag mau as forever yank RT @zombie_negative: pake 3 ky punyaku aj yank, jadine hehe RT (cont)
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Slade in Flame: I learned of this movie from a story Rob Zombie told on the Spookshow…
Slade in Flame: I learned of this movie from a story Rob Zombie told on the Spookshow…
RT @CHANOTB: Sino fuese por este look de zombie irresucitable harría un Twitcam
RT @CHANOTB: Sino fuese por este look de zombie irresucitable harría un Twitcam
Ive been laughing so much about what mark said about using his adams apple as a weapon in a zombie apocalypse omg hahaha
Ive been laughing so much about what mark said about using his adams apple as a weapon in a zombie apocalypse omg hahaha
Music Skins MS-WHTZ10021 Netbook Small- x White Zombie- Clown Skin: MusicSkins LLC is the industry
Music Skins MS-WHTZ10021 Netbook Small- x White Zombie- Clown Skin: MusicSkins LLC is the industry
Friday, April 27, 2012
@Val_Zombie No fue ninguna molestia eran de Chespirito jajajajajajaj ya no me costo trabajo quitarlos jajajajajaja
@Val_Zombie No fue ninguna molestia eran de Chespirito jajajajajajaj ya no me costo trabajo quitarlos jajajajajaja
si un vampiro muerde a un zombie, el zombie se hace vampiro o el vampiro se hace zombie?
si un vampiro muerde a un zombie, el zombie se hace vampiro o el vampiro se hace zombie?
#Suggestions for Black #Ops 2 Zombie Mode @BriansWebWorks #gamernews #improvements
#Suggestions for Black #Ops 2 Zombie Mode @BriansWebWorks #gamernews #improvements
@BeMyLovatic @SuckerPunchGeek Anytime and any day for you friends! Even if it is 4 AM my time and Im a zombie #_#
@BeMyLovatic @SuckerPunchGeek Anytime and any day for you friends! Even if it is 4 AM my time and Im a zombie #_#
Insisto y me reafirmo: El Manantial no es una novela de #zombies de tantas. La palabra zombie ni aparece. Y es que es ot
Insisto y me reafirmo: El Manantial no es una novela de #zombies de tantas.La palabra zombie ni aparece. Y es que es ot
Zombie Economics: A Guide to Personal Finance (Paperback): If financial guides leave you perplexed (or comatose)...
Zombie Economics: A Guide to Personal Finance (Paperback): If financial guides leave you perplexed (or comatose)...
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 2-23. Rank: B
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 2-23.Rank: B
Was got hangover!! Faced look an zombie,when woke up,eyes are glued,lips chapped,legs prickling and plus stinky today #d
Was got hangover!! Faced look an zombie,when woke up,eyes are glued,lips chapped,legs prickling and plus stinky today #d
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Ya sejam udh macem orng *akibat semaleman ga tidur skrng jd zombie (ˇ_ˇ!l)
Ya sejam udh macem orng *akibat semaleman ga tidur skrng jd zombie (ˇ_ˇ!l)
cheguei do trampo e to sem sono - amanhã zombie mode on denovo -q
cheguei do trampo e to sem sono - amanhã zombie mode on denovo -q
RT @mckenzieadams_: I sleep too much. If Im not in bed before 10, Im like a zombie the next day.
RT @mckenzieadams_: I sleep too much.If Im not in bed before 10, Im like a zombie the next day.
Getting in some zombie apocalypse practice in with my client from NYC. #perks
Getting in some zombie apocalypse practice in with my client from NYC.#perks
@thedeadmile @BangPowZap I have to admit- thats what I kinda thought myself. @BangPowZap, were sending you out of the bu
@thedeadmile @BangPowZap I have to admit- thats what I kinda thought myself.@BangPowZap, were sending you out of the bu
Besok soalnya. apakah yang anda lakukan jika ada zombie menyerang anda?
Besok soalnya. apakah yang anda lakukan jika ada zombie menyerang anda?
Whats my motivation for the going to the gym every morning? Simple. To survive the coming zombie apocalypse. #nerdism
Whats my motivation for the going to the gym every morning? Simple. To survive the coming zombie apocalypse. #nerdism
ZombieSmash para Android, ya disponible el último éxito de Zynga – Android se convierte en Zombie en GooglePlex
ZombieSmash para Android, ya disponible el último éxito de Zynga – Android se convierte en Zombie en GooglePlex
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Cenando pan duro con mermelada de fresa, justo como lo haría Rick Grimes en el apocalipsis zombie.
Cenando pan duro con mermelada de fresa, justo como lo haría Rick Grimes en el apocalipsis zombie.
RT @FrankPrather: As long as you have a sticker on your car that says, "Zombie Outbreak Response Team", you wi
RT @FrankPrather: As long as you have a sticker on your car that says, "Zombie Outbreak Response Team", you wi
Mi amigo @Iturriaga10 ya quedo como zombie en Ya no contesta !!! ó esta llorando por el ?? Pobresitooo
Mi amigo @Iturriaga10 ya quedo como zombie en Ya no contesta !!!ó esta llorando por el?? Pobresitooo
Samsung thinks up mind-reading brain implant - Samsungs brain implant comes with security to fend off zombie
Samsung thinks up mind-reading brain implant - Samsungs brain implant comes with security to fend off zombie
@iam_a_zombie #TeamFollowBack #siguemeytesigo #FollowBack #F4F #SouGoFollow #1000aDay #500ADay #FollowFriday #TeamFollow
@iam_a_zombie #TeamFollowBack #siguemeytesigo #FollowBack #F4F #SouGoFollow #1000aDay #500ADay #FollowFriday #TeamFollow
@garywhitta Im on left, friend Jasna on the right. Directed (and did make-up) for a zombie film, senior yr of college.
@garywhitta Im on left, friend Jasna on the right.Directed (and did make-up) for a zombie film, senior yr of college.
Aminn RT @Anha_0306: Mang @bismakarisma nge-zombie :p mngkin nnton terminator 2 RT Irene_911: Lgi tdur kli (cont)
Aminn RT @Anha_0306: Mang @bismakarisma nge-zombie :p mngkin nnton terminator 2 RT Irene_911: Lgi tdur kli (cont)
otra foto de la marcha zombie con @MorganaAsatru aunke se ve un poco mal ]
otra foto de la marcha zombie con @MorganaAsatru aunke se ve un poco mal ]
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Gummed Up. Latest Zombie Boy: #webcomics #ZombieBoy
Gummed Up. Latest Zombie Boy: #webcomics #ZombieBoy
Loja andrógina de NY traz Zombie Boy e Sophia Lamar na campanha - Vogue: moda, desfiles, beleza, lifestyle e shopping
Loja andrógina de NY traz Zombie Boy e Sophia Lamar na campanha - Vogue: moda, desfiles, beleza, lifestyle e shopping
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 1-29. Rank: B
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 1-29.Rank: B
Jack White is like a zombie Micky Dolenz. #laterjools
Jack White is like a zombie Micky Dolenz.#laterjools
Hello. Im still really tired. But I slept add day already so Im not going back to bed. Im just gonna deal with being a z
Hello. Im still really tired. But I slept add day already so Im not going back to bed. Im just gonna deal with being a z
E eu que não moro em sp vou fazer a @danniflauto virar um zombie na augusta ahagpaha
E eu que não moro em sp vou fazer a @danniflauto virar um zombie na augusta ahagpaha
Nyoba main game Zombie Sniper setting HD agak ngelag2. Angry birds Space lancar banget. Browsing (pake wifi) super cepat
Nyoba main game Zombie Sniper setting HD agak ngelag2. Angry birds Space lancar banget.Browsing (pake wifi) super cepat
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Killed 196 Zombies in the Hell Wave!
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Killed 196 Zombies in the Hell Wave!
@InfinitelyVixey so stressed couldnt sleep past 8. But my brain wont work til at least 10am. did work like a zombie! so
@InfinitelyVixey so stressed couldnt sleep past 8. But my brain wont work til at least 10am. did work like a zombie!so
Monday, April 23, 2012
Re: any advice for audio interface?: Quote from: inconn on Yesterday at 02:04:42 PMQuote from: M_I_Zombie on
Re: any advice for audio interface?: Quote from: inconn on Yesterday at 02:04:42 PMQuote from: M_I_Zombie on
RT @brandnewbryan: Cant believe Will Smith survived in New York for ages with zombie vampires around, meets a woman, and
RT @brandnewbryan: Cant believe Will Smith survived in New York for ages with zombie vampires around, meets a woman, and
Sunday, April 22, 2012
@LawlietPrincess Cool tail! W-Wait, did you say zombie bites? O_o
@LawlietPrincess Cool tail! W-Wait, did you say zombie bites? O_o
@Tiedmonkey ¿Entonces por qué "Zombie"? Que yo sepa no es una palabra que venga de , de hecho me parece que
@Tiedmonkey ¿Entonces por qué "Zombie"?Que yo sepa no es una palabra que venga de , de hecho me parece que
@manucst Pode seguir o @Bruno_Zombie ? Por favor *-*
@manucst Pode seguir o @Bruno_Zombie ?Por favor *-*
Mi google chrome tiene una zombie de twd, no me asusta pero cada ves q abro una ventana me impresiono #estupida
Mi google chrome tiene una zombie de twd, no me asusta pero cada ves q abro una ventana me impresiono #estupida
Wow En Zombie heee pan pan ta en voz de hombre tambien suena bien aunque siempre los originales son los
Wow En Zombie heee pan pan ta en voz de hombre tambien suena bien aunque siempre los originales son los
Ahora por cojones me tengo que hacer fotos con mi hermana con la cara de zombie que tengo hoy.
Ahora por cojones me tengo que hacer fotos con mi hermana con la cara de zombie que tengo hoy.
Can we please go? Pretty pretty please? @americanslang21
Can we please go?Pretty pretty please? @americanslang21
@iTzelOyRuedaa Jajaja equis somos chavos y la noche es Creó xD! E que es tú pastel? Y sí sí! Cuál vemos don zombie
@iTzelOyRuedaa Jajaja equis somos chavos y la noche es Creó xD! E que es tú pastel? Y sí sí! Cuál vemos don zombie
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Lagune plant vs zombie RT @sophiamega: I gonna eat your brain! Na na na We are the undead!!!!
Lagune plant vs zombie RT @sophiamega: I gonna eat your brain!Na na na We are the undead!!!!
Mi Brujitaa! Zombie @KiaraMalfoy oye hazme un Super hiper mega favor porafooor!
Mi Brujitaa!Zombie @KiaraMalfoy oye hazme un Super hiper mega favor porafooor!
@1DrealDream Oui moi aussi je sens que sa va être dur de prendre le Jai hate de voir ma tete Lundi matin un zombie x)
@1DrealDream Oui moi aussi je sens que sa va être dur de prendre le Jai hate de voir ma tete Lundi matin un zombie x)
Makanya pake costum room "@ilhamhakimm: Can bisa insta euy eclair mah"@Dzulvan_m_i: I am a zombie #fotodroids
Makanya pake costum room "@ilhamhakimm: Can bisa insta euy eclair mah"@Dzulvan_m_i: I am a zombie #fotodroids
Friday, April 20, 2012
@Jess_Irvine great article today. Love a good metaphor! Got my "go bag" ready just in case my bank goes zombie
@Jess_Irvine great article today. Love a good metaphor!Got my "go bag" ready just in case my bank goes zombie
Aw! Kamu blm liat mukaku phe! Haha "@anissapradani: Tapi maci tantik kok mbak pani :3 hahaha RT @vanninp: Pagi-pagi
Aw! Kamu blm liat mukaku phe! Haha "@anissapradani: Tapi maci tantik kok mbak pani :3 hahaha RT @vanninp: Pagi-pagi
Getting your heart broken is the closest thing to getting bit by a zombie, you become a monster that hurts other people
Getting your heart broken is the closest thing to getting bit by a zombie, you become a monster that hurts other people
Thursday, April 19, 2012
@FamilyForce5 one year for a dance recital our song was thriller by Michael Jackson and I was dressed as a zombie! #True
@FamilyForce5 one year for a dance recital our song was thriller by Michael Jackson and I was dressed as a zombie!#True
Me acaban de preguntar si alguna vez hice un striptease vestido de zombie. A este tipo le va la necrorfilia, de one.
Me acaban de preguntar si alguna vez hice un striptease vestido de zombie.A este tipo le va la necrorfilia, de one.
RT @sicklime: @sharkzaney since I have a zombie destroying shotgun I will pick humans!!
RT @sicklime: @sharkzaney since I have a zombie destroying shotgun I will pick humans!!
Im past the point of being tired now, Im pretty sure Im at the point of zombie.
Im past the point of being tired now, Im pretty sure Im at the point of zombie.
Aunque me hice la recia me gustó que aquel extraño me diga lo linda que estoy, dado mi condición de zombie a la maña
Aunque me hice la recia me gustó que aquel extraño me diga lo linda que estoy, dado mi condición de zombie a la maña
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Its only at 3 am where I get philosophical thoughts & start planning the future & day dreaming a zombie apocalyp
Its only at 3 am where I get philosophical thoughts & start planning the future & day dreaming a zombie apocalyp
RT @Paramorire96: 1. Tu madre está cocinando. 2. Acudes a la cocina por el olor cuan zombie al olor de lo vivo. 3. Ella
RT @Paramorire96: 1. Tu madre está cocinando. 2. Acudes a la cocina por el olor cuan zombie al olor de lo vivo. 3. Ella
Ga enaak daging guee RT @rafitaherahmad: Iye ntar gue makan lo ama eci RT @hannanisti: Zombie-» RT @rafitaherahmad: Kag
Ga enaak daging guee RT @rafitaherahmad: Iye ntar gue makan lo ama eci RT @hannanisti: Zombie-» RT @rafitaherahmad: Kag
RT @Reilly4Sanity: The number 1 reason twitter is better than FB, is that when the zombie apocalypse occurs, you will se
RT @Reilly4Sanity: The number 1 reason twitter is better than FB, is that when the zombie apocalypse occurs, you will se
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Going to be a zombie tomorrow so excited #thisweekneedstobeover
Going to be a zombie tomorrow so excited #thisweekneedstobeover
@Manderrs_94 eh not yet. Maybe zombie burger. #legitfood #yummyinmytummy
@Manderrs_94 eh not yet. Maybe zombie burger.#legitfood #yummyinmytummy
Weapons and Training • Re: Best Guns for zombies: I saw it on tv, but Im sure its online as wasn #fb
Weapons and Training • Re: Best Guns for zombies: I saw it on tv, but Im sure its online as wasn #fb
thanks to the midnight beast, I now know how to survive a zombie apocalypse.
thanks to the midnight beast, I now know how to survive a zombie apocalypse.
@aniessa2 haha Lmfao you dont know him, but lets not get into that mf aint shxt! Nigga is a Zombie to me been dead!
@aniessa2 haha Lmfao you dont know him, but lets not get into that mf aint shxt! Nigga is a Zombie to me been dead!
@_jsk0420 tenang aja,lo kn gk punya otak jd gk bakaln di apa"in sm zombie( °͡▼°͡)-σ
@_jsk0420 tenang aja,lo kn gk punya otak jd gk bakaln di apa"in sm zombie( °͡▼°͡)-σ
On my way back to real life. More than 8 hours becoming a zombie is very not cool at all.
On my way back to real life. More than 8 hours becoming a zombie is very not cool at all.
RT @iescolar: ¿Qué hace falta para que Rajoy dé la cara? ¿Una guerra nuclear? ¿Una epidemia zombie? ¿Una invasión
RT @iescolar: ¿Qué hace falta para que Rajoy dé la cara?¿Una guerra nuclear? ¿Una epidemia zombie? ¿Una invasión
Boris Johnson Talks Crap Shocker - bottom of page 7 on the Metro he claims he is prepared for a zombie apocalypse. Bollo
Boris Johnson Talks Crap Shocker - bottom of page 7 on the Metro he claims he is prepared for a zombie apocalypse. Bollo
Monday, April 16, 2012
Presiento que mañana estare como un bonito zombie :3
Presiento que mañana estare como un bonito zombie :3
"querido diario,hoje quando fui para floresta,eu encontrei um urso"Aikawa-Kore Wa Zombie Desu ka?
"querido diario,hoje quando fui para floresta,eu encontrei um urso"Aikawa-Kore Wa Zombie Desu ka?
Catanduva está Ninguém nas ruas. Me imaginei em um apocalipse XD
Catanduva está Ninguém nas ruas.Me imaginei em um apocalipse XD
RT @Culleeee: @bismidean @FadilAvenger asli official videonya slaves to substance keren personilnya jd zombie semua
RT @Culleeee: @bismidean @FadilAvenger asli official videonya slaves to substance keren personilnya jd zombie semua
wrinkled mess this morning. definitely feeling like a zombie.
wrinkled mess this morning. definitely feeling like a zombie.
@Sue_Zombie Ah ich hatte anfangs auch meine Probs mit Zaubertränke! Ganz mieses Fach immernoch :D
@Sue_Zombie Ah ich hatte anfangs auch meine Probs mit Zaubertränke! Ganz mieses Fach immernoch :D
#menome เลิกดู Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? of the Dead 1/12 (คะแนน 5/10)
#menome เลิกดู Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?of the Dead 1/12 (คะแนน 5/10)
Sunday, April 15, 2012
@Hbis_ the same was with me yesterday, and now im feeling like a zombie, who just walks around the house.
@Hbis_ the same was with me yesterday, and now im feeling like a zombie, who just walks around the house.
@AlejandraCalao No me arrepiento de nada, es decir; ni de estar ronca, de la adrenalina& tampoco de estar estudiando
@AlejandraCalao No me arrepiento de nada, es decir; ni de estar ronca, de la adrenalina& tampoco de estar estudiando
Sacaré mi cuenta de las horas que llevo sin dormir aaaaa!!! *zombie*
Sacaré mi cuenta de las horas que llevo sin dormir aaaaa!!!*zombie*
@angiefrissore to Cleveland Circle tomorrow for the marathon. Ill make your Bday 1 zombie-filled fun. Legitimately.
@angiefrissore to Cleveland Circle tomorrow for the marathon.Ill make your Bday 1 zombie-filled fun. Legitimately.
@CherryGuacamole @RedAbbeyBand lmao hannah ill be in full on zombie mode for another week :-)
@CherryGuacamole @RedAbbeyBand lmao hannah ill be in full on zombie mode for another week :-)
its official. THE ZOMBIE MAFIA are extremely happy to announce we will be opening for Wednesday 13 on july
its official.THE ZOMBIE MAFIA are extremely happy to announce we will be opening for Wednesday 13 on july
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I sure would like to see @vaskimusic come to Dallas before the zombie apocalypse gets here #ragefestforreal
I sure would like to see @vaskimusic come to Dallas before the zombie apocalypse gets here #ragefestforreal
Watched a zombie show, and now I swear I can hear zombies :/
Watched a zombie show, and now I swear I can hear zombies :/
RT @goodguygreg_: Gets bitten by zombie, shares useful knowledge before shooting himself in the head.
RT @goodguygreg_: Gets bitten by zombie, shares useful knowledge before shooting himself in the head.
@EmilyALim oh this just in, pseudo-parallel-literary janelle just died and got reanimated as a zombie. let the games beg
@EmilyALim oh this just in, pseudo-parallel-literary janelle just died and got reanimated as a zombie.let the games beg
@techywirez remember if the zombie apocalypse does happen Ill do what Shaun did. Put you in the cellar so we could play
@techywirez remember if the zombie apocalypse does happen Ill do what Shaun did. Put you in the cellar so we could play
Zombie Nation jatten ze van Twente, eigen spelers uitfluiten jatten ze van Ajax. Er is niks echt aan die club. #PSV #psv
Zombie Nation jatten ze van Twente, eigen spelers uitfluiten jatten ze van Ajax.Er is niks echt aan die club. #PSV #psv
@kevinusaur so you were a runner / zombie / spectator / rickshaw driver for the injured/willing to pay?
@kevinusaur so you were a runner / zombie / spectator / rickshaw driver for the injured/willing to pay?
If the Olympics opening ceremony wants a zombie Keith Moon playing, it will be the greatest ever event. Cant wait!
If the Olympics opening ceremony wants a zombie Keith Moon playing, it will be the greatest ever event. Cant wait!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Getting it in in the middle of a zombie apocalypse #YOLO
Getting it in in the middle of a zombie apocalypse #YOLO
Nodding disease in Africa: Is "Mindless Zombie" label bringing needed attention to the crisis? (UPDATED)
Nodding disease in Africa: Is "Mindless Zombie" label bringing needed attention to the crisis?(UPDATED)
RT @x_OddToddler: Over Here Playing Black Ops Zombie Mode w. Danaja , Tashay & Jaela . i Really Be Scared . Lbvss
RT @x_OddToddler: Over Here Playing Black Ops Zombie Mode w. Danaja , Tashay & Jaela . i Really Be Scared . Lbvss
RT @thissongissick: Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 400 (SAVOY Bootleg Remix) : Must Hear Electro House Remix [TSIS PREMIERE
RT @thissongissick: Zombie Nation – Kernkraft 400 (SAVOY Bootleg Remix) : Must Hear Electro House Remix [TSIS PREMIERE
RT @theleanover: If you believe in life after love then youre a romantic zombie, just like Cher.
RT @theleanover: If you believe in life after love then youre a romantic zombie, just like Cher.
If you can kill a zombie, means its not actually dead in the first place. MURDERER!
If you can kill a zombie, means its not actually dead in the first place.MURDERER!
Happy Friday the 13th @MonsterPantz @theworkroomNYC @DebbieRochon @ChannelMidnight @talesbeyond @zurvived @zombie_mitch
Happy Friday the 13th @MonsterPantz @theworkroomNYC @DebbieRochon @ChannelMidnight @talesbeyond @zurvived @zombie_mitch
@Born4followers Only Cheatsynations server me and my friend found a skeleton spawner then round the corner BOOM a zombie
@Born4followers Only Cheatsynations server me and my friend found a skeleton spawner then round the corner BOOM a zombie
Zombie apocalypse? try 3 badassness at once. (Get #9GagReader at ) very cool
Zombie apocalypse?try 3 badassness at once. (Get #9GagReader at ) very cool
Thursday, April 12, 2012
@Lizzyluv96 i would never survive a zombie attack.
@Lizzyluv96 i would never survive a zombie attack.
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist Minecraft Giant GIANT ! Huge Zombie Boss - Mob Pe
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist Minecraft Giant GIANT! Huge Zombie Boss - Mob Pe
Photoset: zombie-invasion: Bloppin’ . now. join. TevEnD
Photoset: zombie-invasion: Bloppin’ . now.join. TevEnD
RT @FilthCollins69: @alexa_sarisky You should love them, without them, youd be a zombie, or act like a xannie addict.
RT @FilthCollins69: @alexa_sarisky You should love them, without them, youd be a zombie, or act like a xannie addict.
i wonder what will happen if someone gets bit by a zombie and a vampire at the same time
i wonder what will happen if someone gets bit by a zombie and a vampire at the same time
RT @noisecreep: Rob Zombie on Directing Feature Films, TV Commercials (EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW): @RWZombie
RT @noisecreep: Rob Zombie on Directing Feature Films, TV Commercials (EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW): @RWZombie
RT @BobTheIndian1: @ravindersianraj @abdullahi10175 @indian_zombie oh what he said
RT @BobTheIndian1: @ravindersianraj @abdullahi10175 @indian_zombie oh what he said
RT @jayjay050: “@WATDENKJY: Die medicijnen killen me ofzo ik word echt iemand anders ”/ ZOMBIE :$ // omg jaaa ! :o
RT @jayjay050: “@WATDENKJY: Die medicijnen killen me ofzo ik word echt iemand anders ”/ ZOMBIE :$ // omg jaaa !:o
Zombie Outbreak Simulator for iOS brings armies of undead to Google Maps: Binary Spaces hit Flash game Zombie ...
Zombie Outbreak Simulator for iOS brings armies of undead to Google Maps: Binary Spaces hit Flash game Zombie...
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
@ingridmotos serán muy bien aprovechadas seguramente!! Estoy mas zombie que nunca
@ingridmotos serán muy bien aprovechadas seguramente!!Estoy mas zombie que nunca
The zombies looking for brains. Tapos nilagpasan ka. Ano yun? BASTUSAN??!!! #ganyanannaha
The zombies looking for brains. Tapos nilagpasan ka. Ano yun?BASTUSAN??!!! #ganyanannaha
@GottaBeYouGirl con cara de zombie xq no he dormido jah pero me compre una piña sexy & ya estoy mejor. una piña me
@GottaBeYouGirl con cara de zombie xq no he dormido jah pero me compre una piña sexy & ya estoy mejor. una piña me
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 1-9. Rank: B
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 1-9.Rank: B
“Before you marry someone, ask yourself, will they be a good killing partner during the zombie apocalypse?" @chel
“Before you marry someone, ask yourself, will they be a good killing partner during the zombie apocalypse?" @chel
RT @PJs_Pub: Blue Bell: Its half price wing night!! Starts at awesome trivia DEAD theme! Get your zombie on!
RT @PJs_Pub: Blue Bell: Its half price wing night!!Starts at awesome trivia DEAD theme! Get your zombie on!
@SelenMeAtSix oh, she is very powerfull huh?! dont mind, iif you are a zombie, you already are sexy hahaha following :)
@SelenMeAtSix oh, she is very powerfull huh?!dont mind, iif you are a zombie, you already are sexy hahaha following :)
Yo no duermo, soy un zombie muahahaha *se rie de manera malvada* RT @DarsDorskews: Yo no se que hace @FrambuesAzul a est
Yo no duermo, soy un zombie muahahaha *se rie de manera malvada* RT @DarsDorskews: Yo no se que hace @FrambuesAzul a est
Monday, April 9, 2012
Q&A: Who did the cover of Zombie by the Cranberries where they whistled at the be #beginning #cover #Cranberries
Q&A: Who did the cover of Zombie by the Cranberries where they whistled at the be #beginning #cover #Cranberries
RT @CauseWereGuys: RT if you would survive the Zombie Apocalypse
RT @CauseWereGuys: RT if you would survive the Zombie Apocalypse
RT @tanclick: Que Jesucristo resucite y que María Magdalena se ponga a cantar "Mi novio es un zombie"
RT @tanclick: Que Jesucristo resucite y que María Magdalena se ponga a cantar "Mi novio es un zombie"
RT @freebleeder1: Hanging out @shendopen productions. Zombie casting today for Road To Zion and working on preproduction
RT @freebleeder1: Hanging out @shendopen productions.Zombie casting today for Road To Zion and working on preproduction
@Im_a_zombie__ awn como eu amo quando você me chama de bb :c daslkçsdaklç nada amor, coisa e to com saudade, como as
@Im_a_zombie__ awn como eu amo quando você me chama de bb :c daslkçsdaklç nada amor, coisa e to com saudade, como as
ShaharaZad Sangrea posted in Lady Zombies Events: "My newest Examiner article, a review of Duff;:
ShaharaZad Sangrea posted in Lady Zombies Events: "My newest Examiner article, a review of Duff;:
RT @SGT_Arsehole: As if Christianity wasnt already mental, the faithful celebrate Jesus first full day as a zombie by ea
RT @SGT_Arsehole: As if Christianity wasnt already mental, the faithful celebrate Jesus first full day as a zombie by ea
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Skype Sindir Pengguna Facebook & Twitter Seperti Zombie via @detikcom
Skype Sindir Pengguna Facebook & Twitter Seperti Zombie via @detikcom
Cyanide and Happiness #2760: (sent via C HAPPY ZOMBIE JESUS DAY!!! :3
Cyanide and Happiness #2760: (sent via C HAPPY ZOMBIE JESUS DAY!!! :3
Ah, Easter. The day Jesus came back to life. He died for your sins. And then, he came back! For your brains. The big ole
Ah, Easter.The day Jesus came back to life. He died for your sins. And then, he came back! For your brains. The big ole
4 4 4e tepki için yürüme, zamlarda yürüme Zombie Walk için Sultanahmete koş. Tek hücreli yaratıklar.
4 4 4e tepki için yürüme, zamlarda yürüme Zombie Walk için Sultanahmete koş.Tek hücreli yaratıklar.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
RT @CallMeDwight: There are several ways to kill a zombie. But the most satisfying one, is to stab it in the brain, with
RT @CallMeDwight: There are several ways to kill a zombie. But the most satisfying one, is to stab it in the brain, with
#IGUNZOMBIE I just killed over890zombies to earn1,000GP in Hell Gate of iGun Zombie!
#IGUNZOMBIE I just killed over890zombies to earn1,000GP in Hell Gate of iGun Zombie!
Wah yang biasa mimpiin zombie mah beda lah wkwkRT @mukessreva: Mimpiin zombie tuh keren wkwk RT "DonTomic: Yang gim
Wah yang biasa mimpiin zombie mah beda lah wkwkRT @mukessreva: Mimpiin zombie tuh keren wkwk RT "DonTomic: Yang gim
RT @ThePresObama: A better question is, why did no one question Jesus being a straight up Zombie?!?
RT @ThePresObama: A better question is, why did no one question Jesus being a straight up Zombie?!?
@surfgirl_xox Hey Cris :) Hmmm u know me n work haha. But so nice to see u on n good that u get to rest n not be zombie
@surfgirl_xox Hey Cris :) Hmmm u know me n work haha.But so nice to see u on n good that u get to rest n not be zombie
@Dasha__Zombie Если вылечусь..)) Это правда,что его привезли?? *_*
@Dasha__Zombie Если вылечусь..)) Это правда,что его привезли??*_*
I went to bed at 7 oclock this I had a two hour sleep. I feel like a zombie
I went to bed at 7 oclock this I had a two hour sleep. I feel like a zombie
Jag: ni får klä ut er till vad ni vill, ni behöver inte vara påskkärringar. Vad vill ni vara? Dotter: en zombie!
Jag: ni får klä ut er till vad ni vill, ni behöver inte vara påskkärringar.Vad vill ni vara? Dotter: en zombie!
RT @stvrjs: #SmartAssQuestions If there is a zombie outbreak in vegas, will it stay in vegas?
RT @stvrjs: #SmartAssQuestions If there is a zombie outbreak in vegas, will it stay in vegas?
Friday, April 6, 2012
It sucks!!!!! I feel like a living dead Like a zombie not weak enough to die and to sick to live
It sucks!!!!! I feel like a living dead Like a zombie not weak enough to die and to sick to live
Killing zombies is fun!! Got a hang of "Zombie Highway" , my first "paid" app from iStore. Cant stop
Killing zombies is fun!! Got a hang of "Zombie Highway" , my first "paid" app from iStore. Cant stop
Gostei de um vídeo do @YouTube [Minecraft 3D Animation]Steve VS Zombie
Gostei de um vídeo do @YouTube [Minecraft 3D Animation]Steve VS Zombie
@Zombie_sushi yeah it is. Getting better with each ep.
@Zombie_sushi yeah it is.Getting better with each ep.
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 1-16. Rank: S
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 1-16. Rank: S
@_NiamArmy The party didnt started yet! Haha! Its 9:33 Am here and Im laying in my bed, looking Like a zombie, haha. (:
@_NiamArmy The party didnt started yet!Haha! Its 9:33 Am here and Im laying in my bed, looking Like a zombie, haha. (:
Thursday, April 5, 2012
@justingiddings @youabu @RyanWelsh25 can I tag along on a zombie raid? Seems really therapeutic and I know aikido with s
@justingiddings @youabu @RyanWelsh25 can I tag along on a zombie raid? Seems really therapeutic and I know aikido with s
Waiting for Kate Middleton and zombie princess Diana to walk into Maple tonight #poshcavern
Waiting for Kate Middleton and zombie princess Diana to walk into Maple tonight #poshcavern
♥☠ Harry Potter, Zombie, Vampire & other fun novelties! Tats/Stickers/Buttons! #etsy #handmade #etsybot #myetsy
♥☠ Harry Potter, Zombie, Vampire & other fun novelties! Tats/Stickers/Buttons!#etsy #handmade #etsybot #myetsy
RT @Cacotopos: Hope everyone is safely barricaded inside for Easter zombie weekend & has sufficient chocolate &
RT @Cacotopos: Hope everyone is safely barricaded inside for Easter zombie weekend & has sufficient chocolate &
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 2-9. Rank: S
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 2-9.Rank: S
Jesus died. He came back to life as a giant bunny who hides chocolate eggs!! Happy Zombie Bunny Jesus Long Weekend!!!
Jesus died. He came back to life as a giant bunny who hides chocolate eggs!!Happy Zombie Bunny Jesus Long Weekend!!!
My head hurts. Thinking sucks. Can somebody come and scoop out my brain, put it into an ice cream cone and hand it to a
My head hurts.Thinking sucks. Can somebody come and scoop out my brain, put it into an ice cream cone and hand it to a
RT @stuartgibson: At this time of year, it is important to remember that Jesus was *not* a zombie:
RT @stuartgibson: At this time of year, it is important to remember that Jesus was *not* a zombie:
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I am pondering whether a Jedis mind tricks would work on a zombie.
I am pondering whether a Jedis mind tricks would work on a zombie.
@tharapman dis d best remix of ur ZOMBIE by @yungdeeCGP pls RT & Download @ #TeamCGP.
@tharapman dis d best remix of ur ZOMBIE by @yungdeeCGP pls RT & Download @ #TeamCGP.
@A_2the_Z @miketooch how about there is a zombie 5k obstacle course in Pgh the day of jays Need to make our own up the
@A_2the_Z @miketooch how about there is a zombie 5k obstacle course in Pgh the day of jays Need to make our own up the
Siap siap aku jailin yah :p aku nge zombie nih :pRT @CCCloverzz: Yang ngezombie malaam inii ERTEH (cont)
Siap siap aku jailin yah :p aku nge zombie nih :pRT @CCCloverzz: Yang ngezombie malaam inii ERTEH (cont)
Oh man Rick killed Shane ....holly smokes batman everybody is a "walker" when you die, theyre all in a doomed
Oh man Rick killed Shane ....holly smokes batman everybody is a "walker" when you die, theyre all in a doomed
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 1-2. Rank: S
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 1-2.Rank: S
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 2-14. Rank: D
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE I Cleared Mission 2-14.Rank: D
woow, my fav games :D RT @ardikamen11: Ngiri sama Ada game plants vs zombie nya (╥﹏╥)
woow, my fav games :D RT @ardikamen11: Ngiri sama Ada game plants vs zombie nya (╥﹏╥)
RT @thesulk: Radiohead just turned a sunny walk home into a post apocalyptic zombie parade.
RT @thesulk: Radiohead just turned a sunny walk home into a post apocalyptic zombie parade.
I feel like a zombie right Sitting on maybe 5 hours of sleep
I feel like a zombie right Sitting on maybe 5 hours of sleep
"@to_osweet: @faezah_elai 5kg? Jd zombie? Ada kosong tak dik? Nk apply jd zombie la Akk nk buang 5kg payah bebeno
"@to_osweet: @faezah_elai 5kg? Jd zombie? Ada kosong tak dik? Nk apply jd zombie la Akk nk buang 5kg payah bebeno
Monday, April 2, 2012
Me he dado cuenta que ultimamente hay demasiados juegos que son ...vs zombies, creo que la gente va a terminar zombie co
Me he dado cuenta que ultimamente hay demasiados juegos que son ...vs zombies, creo que la gente va a terminar zombie co
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE The First Set- 1S Rank Bonus Supply!
Android FPS Game #IGUNZOMBIE The First Set- 1S Rank Bonus Supply!
RT @magenta_gris: Pinche alarma sísmica me sentí en un ataque zombie ....
RT @magenta_gris: Pinche alarma sísmica me sentí en un ataque zombie....
@chrisgotthem lol I healed you somehow tho lol guess they didnt get u good enough to make u a zombie
@chrisgotthem lol I healed you somehow tho lol guess they didnt get u good enough to make u a zombie
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Book of the Dead: The Complete History of Zombie Cinema (Paperback): A full-on history of the zombies
Book of the Dead: The Complete History of Zombie Cinema (Paperback): A full-on history of the zombies
RT @ufc: Korean Zombie wins via a move called The Twister #SoundsLikeAprilFoolsButIsnt
RT @ufc: Korean Zombie wins via a move called The Twister #SoundsLikeAprilFoolsButIsnt
@lawrence2k aha :) my zombie playing, now thats decent! ;)
@lawrence2k aha :) my zombie playing, now thats decent! ;)
RT @AndrGarcia3: Después del Spring, ¿Quién no se declara fan de The Zombie Kids?
RT @AndrGarcia3: Después del Spring, ¿Quién no se declara fan de The Zombie Kids?
@Fugative not good when you have a family BBQ to go to soon aswell! Ill be a walking zombie today, sorted
@Fugative not good when you have a family BBQ to go to soon aswell! Ill be a walking zombie today, sorted
RT @LangkahSukses: Tanpa motivasi hidup manusia seperti zombie. Berjalan tapi tak tentu arah & tak bergairah.
RT @LangkahSukses: Tanpa motivasi hidup manusia seperti zombie. Berjalan tapi tak tentu arah & tak bergairah.
Im feel like a zombie right now goodnight ya make me laugh (:
Im feel like a zombie right now goodnight ya make me laugh (:
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